Web Accessibility – Degree Project part 2

This post is a part of my degree project “An analysis of knowledge and usage of web accessibility guidelines, among web agencies and clients” written during the last course of a system developer education. All information from the thesis is not included and some text is changed. Since it is written in early 2020, all information might not be accurate for today´s date. The original document is available as a pdf Here

Make a site, system, application accessible with WCAG 2.1 Guidelines

The web directive Swedish Guidance for web development and the Web Accessibility Directive is recommending following WCAG 2.1 level AA (which indirectly includes level A), it is classified as the basic start level for accessibility in public sector. See the section topic about WCAG above for more details. On Guidance for web developments website they have a checklist that can be used to make sure all directives are implemented. I will below list the criteria for level AA, to show some of the guidelines (DIGG, 2020):
1.2.4 (AA) Text live broadcasts
1.2.5 (AA) Synthetic video recordings
1.3.4 (AA) Make sure all content is presented correctly regardless of screen
1.3.5 (AA) Mark common form fields in the code
1.4.10 (AA) Create a flexible layout that works on an enlarged or small screen
1.4.11 (AA) Use enough contrasts in components and graphics
1.4.12 (AA) Make it possible to increase the distance between characters, lines, paragraphs and words
1.4.13 (AA) Popup features should be manageable and shut down by everyone
1.4.3 (AA) Use sufficient contrast between text and background
1.4.4 (AA) Make sure text can be magnified without any problems
1.4.5 (AA) Use text, not images, to display text
2.4.5 (AA) Offer users several ways to navigate
2.4.6 (AA) Write descriptive headings and labels
2.4.7 (AA) Clearly highlight which field or element is in focus
3.1.2 (AA) Enter language changes in the code
3.2.3 (AA) Be consistent in navigation, structure and design
3.2.4 (AA) Name functions consistently
3.3.3 (AA) Give suggestions on how errors can be corrected
3.3.4 (AA) Allows you to undo, correct or confirm important transactions
4.1.3 (AA) Make sure tools can present messages that are out of focus
(List from: https://webbriktlinjer.se/wcag/ , 21-02-2020)

Level A and details on what more to consider can be found on their website. This list should only be viewed as an indication of what is included and how-to easier follow WCAG.

Web Accessibility Directives

December 2, 2016 the directive (EU) 2016/2102 was published. And it is in force since 22 December 2016, all member states had until 23 September 2018 to transpose the directive to their national law and in Sweden this was set to be required 1 January 2019. There are some exceptions stated in the 2016/2102 documents (like live-stream videos, online maps, third-party content) but as said above, the directives are transposed in the national law. This means that the requirements for Sweden is set by the Swedish government, and this act was published 22 November 2018. The requirements have some different dates depending upon type of product.
• All new websites: September 23, 2019. Including documents, pdfs, files. Exceptions is documents made public before September 23, 2018 and not needed for active administrative procedures.
• Public sector bodies mobile applications: June 23, 2021.
• Existing websites (published before Sept 23, 2019) and media content, September 23, 2020
• Intranet and extranets: no time limit but needs to include the directives if a
comprehensive update is made.

The Web Accessibility Directive requires all public services, ICT to include web accessibility to their information systems, websites, applications and services. It is expected that they follow the requirements stated in the Harmonized European Standard EN 301 549 v2.1.2 (2018-08), it is a document tool with all information what is needed to reach WCAG 2.1,
level AA on affected web content.
For Swedish public sector bodies, the Act (2018:1937) on access to digital public service is the requirements needed to be followed. It can be listed up in a few categories:
• Make sure the public sector bodies take necessary measures to implement the requirement needed for approved accessibility rate by making them operable, understandable, perceivable and robust.
• Have clear accessibility statements, a description of compliance efforts towards the directive. So, this can be shown on clear documents upon request.
• Offer a way for users to raise concerns about accessibility limitations and feedback on the subject.
• Publish a continuous accessibility report, what has been done, updates, when and how tests are done, to follow the WAD.

Swedish Discrimination Act

Sweden’s Discrimination Act became active at 2009 1st January. It is based upon the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), where it in Article 9 is stated requirement to take appropriate measures to enable persons with disabilities to live independently and participate fully in all aspect of life, including
information and communication technologies and systems. (UNCRPD, 2016)
In 2015, 1 January a section about inadequate accessibility was added (2008:567, Chapter 1, section 4:3) there is no direct statements about web accessibility in the law but there is a chapter including accessible information and communication. Examples given on Swedish Equality Ombudsman (DO) website is: Information in alternative formats, Access to various opportunities to contact, for example: emails, Possibility of a secluded place for conversation with a contact with authority, Alternative ways to provide tickets. (DO, 01-22-2020)

There is also a topic about software and systems in the Act “Work with Display Screen Equipment” (AFS 1998:5). Here Swedish Work Environment Authority states the rule in §10:
“Software and systems shall be suitably designed to consider the requirements of the task and the conditions of the user needs. Software should be easy to use and, if necessary, be adapted to the user’s level of knowledge or experience…” …. “When designing and selecting
software, special consideration should be paid to the ergonomic principles that apply to human ability to perceive, understand and process information. “(AFS 1998:5 §)

EAA, European Accessibility Act

Note that this act is still in progress and has a transposition period of 3 years, requirements can change, be removed or added.
The (EU) Web Accessibility Directive includes public sector, websites, intranet, extranet and mobile applications. Excluding the private sector unless they are associated with the category above. On June 7, 2019 the Office Journal of the EU published the European Accessibility Act. EAA, will add requirements on digital accessibility within EU on producers, importers, exporters and distributors in certain areas of the products and services category.
In Directive (EU) 2019/882 1:2 the products and services affected by the directive is stated:

  • consumer general purpose computer hardware systems and operating systems for those hardware systems
  • payment terminals
  • self-service terminals (banking, ticketing etc.)
  • consumer terminal equipment with interactive computing capability, used for electronic communications services
  • consumer terminal equipment with interactive computing capability, used for accessing audio-visual media services
  • e-readers
  • websites
  • mobile applications
  • electronic ticketing
  • e-commerce
  • emergency 112
    It will be following the same requirements as WAD with continuous activity reports, ability for consumer to report lack of accessibility and so on. What is different for now is that the CE-verification will be used to declare accessibility.

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