• Bug Report – Assignment

    This is a basic example of a bug report. It was a course assignment where the requirements were: We have found a bug on the website Brattpets, it is in the checkout and includes an issue with coupon codes. It should give us error message: Coupon not found but gives us a Oops error page.…

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  • Communication for Testers

    This text was written as a part of assignment based upon a given backstory. I am not taking any claim to agree upon the theory behind DISC assessment, for it to be valid or have any scientific validity. The requirements were: Part1: Your team have been testing and made a test report about a  distribution…

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  • Web Accessibility – Degree Project part 2

    This post is a part of my degree project “An analysis of knowledge and usage of web accessibility guidelines, among web agencies and clients” written during the last course of a system developer education. All information from the thesis is not included and some text is changed. Since it is written in early 2020, all information might…

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profile photo, me with purple hair and orange headphones

Self-motivated, attentive developer with a passion for testing. Thinks a failure is a success in learning something new and communication is key, except when I read my books or hiking the forest. Here I write about my thoughts and learning process within development and testing.

Accessibility agile analysis bug reports cloud-based communication continuous integration contract testing git integration test microservices non functional paas security testing software testing synthetic monitoring system development technical testing test cases testing thesis tutorial version control WAI WCAG