Category: Software Testing

  • Internship Projects – A Test Engineer System Analysis

    This post is from my report written during internship for the education software test engineering. I got an insight in the work of a test lead, how an organization of this size do their test planning, test strategies and handles issues. My internship was not a clear path with focus on one project and how…

  • Test Strategies – course assignment

    Introduction Layout of this document ◌ Present a Test Strategy based on the project called “Targeted health dialogue” within Region Skåne. Base the strategy on project description & implementation plan. This is written with first a section going thru the scope and highlighting facts from the document “Program for eHealth and Digitalization in Region Skåne”.…

  • Non-Functional Testing -Part 2

    Part 2 of 2 This text includes different areas of non-functional testing and a specific video service product is used as a focus object. I won´t go in to details about the research done on this service but I have gone thru their documentation both from developer backlogs, technical manuals and policies to gain a…

  • Non-Functional Testing – Part 1

    Part 1 of 2 This text includes different areas of non-functional testing and a specific video service product is used as a focus object. I won´t go in to details about the research done on this service but I have gone thru their documentation both from developer backlogs, technical manuals and policies to gain a…

  • Test Automation with Continuous Integration

    This post is from my assignment within the course with the same name as the post title. We got five requirements to follow when writing it. They were: Describe a testing tool, it´s purpose and limits Describe the process of Continuous Integration and discuss pros and cons. Explain the concept of test automation and how…

  • Test Design, Techniques & Execution

    Scenario Given scenario We have just been hired by this company to join the developer team. The product is developed by the company, and they are immensely proud of their creation, especially the lead developer, the product was his idea, and he is now our boss.We got the information that they follow Scrum but there…

  • Coding Essentials for Testers

    We had a course in programming. It was just basics, would say directed to those who don´t have any experience in coding. Java was used and mostly went thru arrays, loops and object oriented. Anyhow, the assignment was two parts, one to write a Morse code project, two written report. I wrote a small tutorial…

  • Think Like A Tester

    This text is a presentation report from a project where we focused on a travel planner. The team´s assignment was to do planning, select test methods, techniques, write test cases, run the tests and write a bug report. It is only focused on the web-based version and only the planner itself. Planning Sprint Planning First…