Communication for Testers

This text was written as a part of assignment based upon a given backstory. I am not taking any claim to agree upon the theory behind DISC assessment, for it to be valid or have any scientific validity.

The requirements were:

Part1: Your team have been testing and made a test report about a  distribution application. The project leader has a red personality (dominant according to DISC), now they want a presentation of said test report.

Describe what information you will present and how. Explain your choices of information.

Part 2: 2 days after the presentation the project leader is replaced with a person with blue personality (compliant according to DISC), they want a presentation of the same test report.

Describe what information your will present and how. Explain your choices of information.

Part 1 – Facing Red Personality: (Title)

It is important to be able to meet different personalities in working life, we learn to adapt our treatment and how we present material in a meeting. In this report below I go through a red personality, with the question what their distinctive personality character is, how do we best respond to this in a presentation of work results.  (Introduction/problem)

Red personality character:

There are some traits that distinguish a red personality specifically. Below are some of the most distinctive:

  • Straight to the point/direct communication
  • Results-oriented
  • Short patience
  • Action
  • Self-confident
  • Competitive

Respond to red personally:

We meet people who are similar or different from ourselves, this means that communication and content are perceived in diverse ways. In order to reach out with the content and results of our test report, we need to adapt our approach to the person we meet.

Here are things to keep in mind when dealing with a red personality:

  • Reply to meeting confirmation directly
  • Getting to the lake on time
  • Be sincere and direct, not critically negative
  • Keep time/budget frameworks
  • Omitting emotions
  • Present solution-oriented facts
  • Do not waste time with unnecessary facts.


My choice regarding the preparation of test report:

In my choice regarding the structure of the test report presentation, specific parts of the report were selected. This was based on the red personality and which parts of the report can show focus of the actual phase the application is in. All information is of course important, but we need to shorten, avoid noise, and highlight the parts that need to be worked on for the desired result.

  • Assume that the person knows what we are talking about, no unnecessary explanations around the application, development, or testing.
  • Direct facts regarding results since the last report/sprint (if we run scrum backlogs/sprints?), no extra information e.g., previous results or what could have been done eg the development team’s delay etc.
  • This was the goal
  • We have tested this. Here we include section 3.1 Sessions. We assume that project managers know what is included there.
  • Briefly mention the tests that got OK This is done to briefly give positive feedback that problems are solved, and work yielded results.
  • Critical results that require direct action. Here we start with 2.1 Product status. We mention quality that stops delivery, the most critical ones that can stop delivery (those that had problematic testability showed in the point what we evaluated, when the development team is not ready)

I chose to write part 1, about red personity, as a red personality. The text is not written entirely in a way that follows classical longer text/essay rules. This is deliberate here when I tried to understand how a red personality wants to be treated, get information.


Part 2 – Facing blue personality: (Title)

We have a new project manager, and we need to learn how we can create a good relationship, communicate our test report in a way that responds to the project manager’s personality. In this text, I will go through a blue personality and how we deal with it. After that, answer the question how and what information from our test report we will address at the meeting with our new project manager. (Introduction/Problem)

Blue personality character:

The blue personality is called the nimble and dutiful personality. According to discinsight is seen as detailed, they think analytically and systematically.  (Discinsight, 2020)

They want to focus on the work, review, and question. An important part is that work is done correctly and quality over quantity.

A blue personality can be recognized in their slightly withdrawn way, this should not be seen as shyness, more that they are thoughtful and think before they talk.

The focus is on details and facts, emotions are not considered.

Respond to blue personality:

Blue personality is difficult to reach, and we need to be well-read and stick to the facts to win their interest.

We need to have clear arguments why we conducted the tests we did and be able to show why we made our assessment in the test analysis.

When working together with blue personality, discinsight mentions that we need to pay attention to the details, and how everything is connected in the big picture. Blue personality is not good at receiving criticism, a diplomatic approach with clear examples is an effective way to reach them (discinsight, 2020)

Since they are overcritical and can get caught up in overanalyzing details, they should be met with patience and focus. (Discprofile, 2020)


My choice regarding the preparation of test report:

In the presentation to our blue project manager, a couple of things should be considered. The project manager is new to the role, we need to present information that gives good insight into our work, why we have done the tests we have conducted, the different results, and accurate information why our conclusion in assessment has been developed.

Our presentation should contain:

Where we are right now, i.e., what has been tested and what has not been tested. Here we briefly present the data in section 3. That backend was delayed, and what tests were done while we waited for access to specific parts of the application. We also mention why the bug fixes on the calculator could not be performed. This is because we can then focus on the actual tests performed and their results.

We show the organized image of sessions 3.1. Where it shows an overview of the thesis and the date they were done. This gives the project manager an idea of how current the results are on time.

2 Results and 2.1 Product status is the main focus. There we start with the greens /good and go through testability / test coverage.

Then the yellow/neutral and the red/critical. A short but systematic summary. This is to give the project manager time to embrace the full product status, be able to get an idea of the size of the different results.

Here we should have clear images to be able to show which bugs are critical and need to be solved right away. What in the system they affect (good to have a PowerPoint with 2.1.1 Bugg cluster) where we can show our data.

4.2 Priority dashboard provides the overview that we can work on to solve the problems that exist, show our assessment of priority.

Part 2 I tried to write on a design that applies to blue personality. Fact-based, systematic with a more detailed structure. Should keep in mind that this category discussion/conclusion would, at a presentation of our test report, have clear PowerPoints where we can view the data we present. Not too many but enough to provide detailed information.


Source references used:

Discprofile, 2020

Discinsights, 2020

Here we should have numbered attachments in the form of extracts from the test report. (Which is then referenced from the discussion and conclusion section)

This is the DISC wheel used for the personality types

DISC wheel with four sections, one for each personality

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