Tag: git

  • Test Automation with Continuous Integration

    This post is from my assignment within the course with the same name as the post title. We got five requirements to follow when writing it. They were: Describe a testing tool, it´s purpose and limits Describe the process of Continuous Integration and discuss pros and cons. Explain the concept of test automation and how…

  • GitHub Tutorial part 2

    Part 2 of 2 I wrote this tutorial for my classmates that never had used GitHub or any version control before. So it is done on a basic level and I have purposely left out details to make it easier to get started. If you are new to version control and Git I recommend you…

  • GitHub Tutorial part 1

    Part 1 of 2 I wrote this tutorial for my classmates that never had used Git, GitHub or any version control before. So it is done in a basic level and I have purposely left out details to make it easier to get started. If you are new to version control and Git I recommend…