• Test Strategies – course assignment

    Introduction Layout of this document ◌ Present a Test Strategy based on the project called “Targeted health dialogue” within Region Skåne. Base the strategy on project description & implementation plan. This is written with first a section going thru the scope and highlighting facts from the document “Program for eHealth and Digitalization in Region Skåne”.…

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  • Non-Functional Testing -Part 2

    Part 2 of 2 This text includes different areas of non-functional testing and a specific video service product is used as a focus object. I won´t go in to details about the research done on this service but I have gone thru their documentation both from developer backlogs, technical manuals and policies to gain a…

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  • Non-Functional Testing – Part 1

    Part 1 of 2 This text includes different areas of non-functional testing and a specific video service product is used as a focus object. I won´t go in to details about the research done on this service but I have gone thru their documentation both from developer backlogs, technical manuals and policies to gain a…

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profile photo, me with purple hair and orange headphones

Self-motivated, attentive developer with a passion for testing. Thinks a failure is a success in learning something new and communication is key, except when I read my books or hiking the forest. Here I write about my thoughts and learning process within development and testing.

Accessibility agile analysis bug reports cloud-based communication continuous integration contract testing git integration test microservices non functional paas security testing software testing synthetic monitoring system development technical testing test cases testing thesis tutorial version control WAI WCAG