• Test Automation with Continuous Integration

    This post is from my assignment within the course with the same name as the post title. We got five requirements to follow when writing it. They were: Describe a testing tool, it´s purpose and limits Describe the process of Continuous Integration and discuss pros and cons. Explain the concept of test automation and how…

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  • GitHub Tutorial part 2

    Part 2 of 2 I wrote this tutorial for my classmates that never had used GitHub or any version control before. So it is done on a basic level and I have purposely left out details to make it easier to get started. If you are new to version control and Git I recommend you…

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  • Test Design, Techniques & Execution

    Scenario Given scenario We have just been hired by this company to join the developer team. The product is developed by the company, and they are immensely proud of their creation, especially the lead developer, the product was his idea, and he is now our boss.We got the information that they follow Scrum but there…

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profile photo, me with purple hair and orange headphones

Self-motivated, attentive developer with a passion for testing. Thinks a failure is a success in learning something new and communication is key, except when I read my books or hiking the forest. Here I write about my thoughts and learning process within development and testing.

Accessibility agile analysis bug reports cloud-based communication continuous integration contract testing git integration test microservices non functional paas security testing software testing synthetic monitoring system development technical testing test cases testing thesis tutorial version control WAI WCAG